
Thursday 25 June 2020

My Long Weekend

What I did for my long weekend was go to my grandma’s house for a sleepover with all my first cousins. It was on my mum's side. We had so much fun. What happened was there were meant to be 15

Kids and 4 adults but instead there were only 8 kids and 4 adults. 

Although there were a small number of kids, it was still fun. We did a lot of fun activities.The activities we played were Jenga, we shared riddles and played chinese whispers, we also had a bomb fire which was super fun. Monday was the last day and we went to Laser 

Tag which was really fun. 

When we were done playing laser tag, the adults said we are going to buy food. The food we were going to buy was McDonald's but it was packed so we went back to my grandma's house. We all asked if we could have one more sleep over.

 Luckily my mum and auntys said ok and went to go buy some food for us. My older brother and My cousin wanted to go back to school but I didn’t. When they were going back home to get all their school stuff then they came back.

 When they returned we had one more bomb fire. My uncles told us that we were gonna make sticks. So what we did is we found some sticks and then we washed them and put these hooks on it and then taped it.


We used the sticks to put marshmallows on. When the bomb fire ended we all went back inside and then had a movie night. We watched a mouse movie which was really interesting.

 It wasn't that long till we got bored of watching the movie and then my older girl cousin asked if we wanted to play last card Torture.  It was pretty fun. When it came to the end it was me vs my older boy cousin. When I was on my last card which was an ace of hearts  I put it down. When my cousin saw he was getting tortured he was like “nah i’m not playing” then my older girl cousin and his sister said “hurry up” then we all laughed. When we were torturing we got to pick one and it was punches, slaps, pinches and knuckles. 

When we finished torturing him his hand was really red. Then my uncle said we all have to go to bed now so we did. 

When we woke up my youngest uncle and his girlfriend made us french toast, eggs and milo for breakfast. It was so delicious. 

When that was done we went and had a shower and changed clothes. When most of us were done, me and my cousin did some tik toks. When we got bored of doing tik toks we went and played outside then my cousins mum and dad came and then everyone talked a bit then they went home.

 After they left  it was just me, my brother and my other two cousins. Then my mum said “we're gonna go now” so both of my cousins got into the car then we went and took them home.  When we dropped them off my mum and my aunty talked a bit then we went home and that was the end of my fun-filled weekend.

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